Cơ bản sự nghiên cứu chổ nước động 2,1 GIỚI THIỆU Quản lý hồ, sinh viên, chuyên gia tư vấn, và những người khác quan tâm đến hồ và hồ chứa phục hồi nên có một sự hiểu biết thấu đáo về sự nghiên cứu chổ nước động. Hai chương tiếp theo đưa ra một số nguyên tắc cơ bản của sự nghiên cứu chổ nước động quan trọng quyết định phục hồi và quản lý. Một so sánh ngắn gọn về hồ và hồ chứa được trình bày trong chương này, cùng với một mô tả các điều kiện hồ khu. | 2 Basic Limnology INTRODUCTION Lake managers students consultants and others interested in lake and reservoir restoration should have a thorough understanding of limnology. The next two chapters outline some basic principles of limnology that are significant to restoration and management decisions. A brief comparison of lakes and reservoirs is presented in this chapter along with a description of regional lake conditions and the forces both external and internal that promote lake and reservoir problems. Procedures to obtain the data necessary to diagnose lake condition select a restoration alternative and prepare a project report are described in the next chapter. Readers familiar with the fundamentals of limnology could go directly to sections on restoration methods. While these next two chapters cannot substitute for the in-depth understanding of limnology required to make competent and effective decisions they do provide a review or guide to some basic principles. The reader is referred to Hutchinson 1957 1967 1975 Cole 1994 Horne and Goldman 1994 Lampert and Sommer 1997 and Scheffer 1998 for thorough discussions of limnology. Welch and Jacoby 2004 Wetzel 2001 and Kalff 2002 are especially useful for their holistic viewpoints and for their coverage of macrophyte biology and stream and reservoir ecology. LAKES AND RESERVOIRS The physics chemistry and biology of dimictic deeper lakes that thermally stratify in summer and winter natural lakes have dominated limnological literature and the training of many limnol-ogists. This bias reflects the fact that there are many of these lakes in North America and Europe. It is also a result of the emergence of limnology schools located primarily in North American and European areas dominated by deep lakes. But shallow lakes are far more common than deep lakes Wetzel 1992 and limnology programs emphasizing them are now emerging particularly in Europe. Reservoirs are as important as natural lakes for recreation but have