Organooxygen hợp chất 14,1 GIỚI THIỆU Một số lượng rất lớn các hợp chất hữu cơ và các sản phẩm tự nhiên, nhiều trong số đó là độc hại, có chứa oxy trong cấu trúc của họ. Chương này tập trung vào các hợp chất hữu cơ có oxy liên kết cộng hóa trị ngoại quan để carbon. Các hợp chất hữu cơ trong đó oxy được liên kết lưu huỳnh, nitơ, phốt pho, và các halogen được thảo luận trong các chương 15 tới 18. oxy-Chứa các nhóm chức năng Như đã trình bày trong Bảng và Hình. | Chapter 14 Organooxygen Compounds introduction A very large number of organic compounds and natural products many of which are toxic contain oxygen in their structures. This chapter concentrates on organic compounds that have oxygen covalently bonded to carbon. Organic compounds in which oxygen is bonded to nitrogen sulfur phosphorus and the halogens are discussed in Chapters 15 to 18. Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups As shown in Table and Figure there are several kinds of oxygen-containing functional groups in organic compounds. In general the organooxygen compounds can be classified according to the degree of oxygenation location of oxygen on the hydrocarbon moiety presence of unsaturated bonds in the hydrocarbon structure and presence or absence of aromatic rings. Some of the features of organooxygen compounds listed above can be seen from an examination of some of the oxidation products of propane in Figure . Some organooxygen compounds discussed in this chapter are made from the bonding together of two of the many molecules shown in Figure . alcohols This section discusses the toxicological chemistry of the alcohols oxygenated compounds in which the hydroxyl functional group is attached to an aliphatic or olefinic hydrocarbon skeleton. The phenols which have -OH bonded to an aromatic ring are covered in Section . The three lightest alcohols methanol ethanol and ethylene glycol shown in Figure are discussed individually in some detail because of their widespread use and human exposure to them. The higher alcohols defined broadly as those containing three or more carbon atoms per molecule are discussed as a group. Methanol Methanol also called methyl alcohol and once commonly know as wood alcohol is a clear volatile liquid mp -98 C bp 65 C . Until the early 1900s the major commercial source of methanol was the destructive distillation pyrolysis of wood a process that yields a product contaminated with allyl .