Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments: adapting the Depression | Kohrt et al. BMC Psychiatry 2011 11 127 http 1471 -244X 11 127 BMC Psychiatry RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments adapting the Depression Self-Rating Scale and Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Nepal Prgnclon Ạ kAhrl KAarL in ImrManc1 2 ỴA iỡtcỡ A TAI1 2 3 Kla onH ra p I I lifol 1 si lion KA KAa harian1 4 anH DldllUUll A koi nt MdrkJU JUIUdllS vvietse A lol iNdyeilUld P Luitel Sujen M Mdlldljdll dnd Nawaraj Upddhdyd1 5 Abstract Background The idck of culturally dddpted dnd vdliddted instruments for child mentdl hedlth dnd psychosocidl support in low dnd middle-income countries is d bdrrier to dssessing prevdlence of mentdl hedlth problems evdludting interventions dnd determining program cost-effectiveness. Alterndtive procedures dre needed to vdliddte instruments in these settings. Methods Six criterid dre proposed to evdludte cross-cultural vdlidity of child mentdl hedlth instruments i purpose of instrument ii construct medsured iii contents of construct iv locdl idioms employed v structure of response sets dnd vi compdrison with other medsurdble phenomend. These criterid dre dpplied to trdnsculturdl trdnsldtion dnd dlterndtive vdliddtion for the Depression Self-Rdting Scdle DSRS dnd Child PTSD Symptom Scdle CPSS in Nepdl which recently suffered d decdde of wdr including conscription of child soldiers dnd widespredd displdcement of youth. Trdnsculturdl trdnsldtion wds conducted with Nepdli mentdl hedlth professiondls dnd six focus groups with children n 64 dged 11-15 yedrs old. Becduse of the ldck of child mentdl hedlth professiondls in Nepdl d psychosocidl counselor performed dn dlterndtive vdliddtion procedure using psychosocidl functioning ds d criterion for intervention. The vdliddtion sdmple wds 162 children 11-14 yedrs old . The Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders dnd Schizophrenid K-SADS dnd Globdl Assessment of Psychosocidl Disdbility GAPD were used to .