Cộng đồng bền vững là một khái niệm đề cập đến sức khỏe kinh tế, môi trường, và cộng đồng dài hạn. Trong Danh mục kiểm tra tính bền vững tài liệu, Bauen et al. (1996) cho rằng tính bền vững sẽ giúp cộng đồng theo hai cách. Một cách là bằng cách "xem xét những hậu quả lâu dài của quyết định ngày nay: họ nâng cao hoặc làm giảm khả năng của cộng đồng để phát triển thịnh vượng trong tương lai? Tác động của chúng sẽ được các thế hệ sau "(Bauen, et al, 1996;. Monsen và. | 12 Rural Community Leadership in the Lake Benton Watershed Wayne Monsen CONTENTS Introduction The Agroecosystem The Rural Community Building Social Capital for a Healthier Agroecosystem Community Mobilization for Improving Ecosystem Health The Community Vision Inclusiveness Helped the Coalition Work Together References INTRODUCTION Community sustainability is a concept that refers to long-term economic environmental and community health. In the document Sustainability Checklist Bauen et al. 1996 stated that sustainability helps communities in two ways. One way is by considering the long-term consequences of today s decisions Do they enhance or detract from the community s ability to prosper into the future What will their effects be on later generations Bauen et al. 1996 Monsen and Toren 2000 . A second way of considering sustainability is by thinking broadly across issues disciplines and boundaries. Sustainability suggests that creating economic vitality maintaining a healthy environment and meeting human needs are closely related rather than separate tasks Bauen et al. 1996 . The Whole Farm Planning Program at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture MDA developed a leadership model rural community leadership RCL that encourages the participation of citizens in planning for the sustainability of their community. Through a series of workshops residents of Lake Benton a southwest Minnesota rural community with different backgrounds and interests came together to discuss and take action to improve their community. They worked together whereas historically they seldom had talked or worked together. 2001 by CRC Press LLC The MDA recognized that leadership must come from the people themselves and not from agencies outside the community to engender community sustainability. Consequently the MDA began a pilot project designed to foster proactive citizen leadership. The process tested in this project allows the local residents and agency staff to inquire and plan for the .