Đó là khuyến khích để cho các chất béo thu riêng biệt từ các chất lỏng trong ống tiêm trước khi tiêm chích nó. Các chất béo tạm thời được lưu trữ trong các ống tiêm phải được hút từ một khu vực mà EU đã không được áp dụng, nếu không chất béo để được ghép | 274 39 External Ultrasound and Superficial Subdermal Liposuction procedure and to keep it there until the end to use it to correct any depression that might become evident. It is advisable to let the collected fat separate from the fluids present in the syringe before injecting it. The fat temporarily stored in the syringes must be aspirated from an area where EU has not been applied otherwise the fat to be grafted would be less useful having been crushed by the ultrasound wave. Dressing A small Band-Aid is applied to every stab incision. Reston foam is applied to treat areas of the trunk for 2 days. Elastic stockings for the lower limbs and elastic garments for the trunk are applied at the end of the surgery. Postoperative Care Antibiotics are given routinely at the beginning of the surgery and are continued 6 days after surgery. Early ambulation is encouraged to prevent venous thrombosis. Elastic garments are worn for 6 weeks as already described in the section Patient Information . Endermologie treatment and or lymphatic vein massages are routinely indicated after 20 days. A well-balanced diet is prescribed including 21 of fluid intake. Complications Complications of SSL are very rare. Parasthesias is the more frequent and is the consequence of nerve injury when performing the suction. It sometimes may be permanent and is more frequent in the limbs. Waves and irregularities require further touch-ups after many months at least six when it is possible to evaluate the result and correctly indicate the treatment. Infections are also very rare and include two cases of slight inflammation with erythema of the skin that healed in a few days after antibiotic therapy. Two patients that had been grafted with between 200 and 300 ml of fat developed an inflammation after the first week and were also successfully treated with antibiotics. We had no cases of thrombosis. Two seromas formed in abdominal liposuction after an attempt to use larger-gauge 1-cm