Khuôn khổ pháp lý cho việc sử dụng nước thải tại chỗ nâng cao hệ thống công nghệ Giới thiệu Các giải pháp Xử lý nước thải cho bất kỳ rất nhiều buildable hoặc khu vực bằng cách sử dụng hệ thống tại chỗ nhỏ có thể, tuy nhiên, việc thiếu một khuôn khổ pháp lý đầy đủ làm cho nó khó khăn cho công chúng để sử dụng hiệu quả hệ thống như vậy. Từ một điểm công nghệ của, ngành công nghiệp tại chỗ đã được vào thế kỷ 21, tuy nhiên, từ quan điểm quản lý hệ thống tại. | chapter seven Regulatory framework for using advanced onsite wastewater systems technologies Introduction Wastewater solutions for any buildable lot or area using small onsite systems are now possible however the lack of an adequate regulatory framework makes it hard for the public to effectively use such systems. From a technology point of view the onsite industry is already into the 21st century however from the perspective of managing onsite systems and the regulatory framework for managed onsite systems the industry is still quite behind. There is much discussion about the importance of permanent operation and maintenance for onsite systems. Can this goal be achieved today by the formation of onsite management entities Currently the regulatory framework necessary for such entities to offer wastewater services using onsite systems does not exist. Regulations are needed that are progressive and effective and regulators are needed who are held accountable for their actions and inactions while regulating the onsite industry. Making changes to regulations is a challenging process that is affected by many factors. However if a logical approach is taken that considers the benefits of advanced treatment systems prior to discharge and the benefits of having responsible management entities RMEs currently used regulations for septic tank drain field systems can be updated such that the revised regulations will allow onsite wastewater professionals to address wastewater needs using advanced onsite wastewater systems in a cost-effective manner. In this chapter a concept is presented for a solution-driven and performance-based regulatory framework that is necessary for the public to use advanced onsite wastewater systems under an adequate operation and maintenance management infrastructure that can be offered by RMEs. The pro 181 2006 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 182 Advance onsite wastewater systems technologies posed regulatory framework could be used for regulating use of