When the first edition of this book was published in 1985, the retail markets in Australasia, Europe and North America were dominated by just one product – stirred fruit yoghurt, with natural set yoghurt occupying a well-defined niche. Some traditional products like labneh and drinking yoghurt were manufactured on a small scale but, in general, the choice available to consumers was strictly limited. | Woodhead Publishing in Food Science and Technology Yoghurt Science and technology Second edition A. Y. Tamime and R. K. Robinson c c Woodhead Publishing in Food Science and Technology Yoghurt science and technology is a standard work in its field for industry professionals and those involved in applied research. Because manufacture is still essentially a natural biological process it remains difficult to control the quality of the final product. Such control depends on a thorough understanding of the nature of yoghurt and both the biochemical changes and process technologies involved in production yoghurt science and technology provides just such an understanding. Since the last edition the industry has been transformed by the introduction of mild-fasting bio-yoghurts changing both consumer markets and manufacturing practices. The new edition has been comprehensively revised to take on board this and other major changes in the industry including new technological developments such OS the production of strained yoghurt by ultrafiltration and the latest advances in mechanisation and automation Dr A. Y. Tamime is a Senior lecturer in the Food Standards and Product Technology Deportment at the Scottish Agricultural College. Dr R. K. Robinson is a Lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Reading. They are co-editors of Fela and related cheeses also published by Wood head Woodhead Publishing ltd Abington Cambridge CB1 6AH England ISBN I 85573 399 4 CRC Press LLC 2000 Corporate Blvd NW Boca Raton FL 33431 USA CRC order number WP1785 ISBN 0-8493-1785-1 YOGHURT Science and Technology 2000 Woodhead Publishing .