Tất cả các cơ quan thủy sản trên thế giới, từ các ao rừng nhỏ nhất để các đại dương mở, nhà vi sinh vật phức tạp và đa dạng hệ sinh thái. Khi nói đến những thứ như số lượng loài và carbon và doanh thu chất dinh dưỡng, sinh vật đơn bào hoàn toàn thống trị hệ sinh thái thuỷ sản, và các sinh vật trên quy mô kích thước của cá chỉ là những cầu thủ trẻ vị thành niên, góp phần nhỏ đối với cân bằng tổng thể. trong các môi trường chi phối bởi các nước mở cửa, chẳng hạn. | 13 Implications of Microbial Motility on Water Column Ecosystems Karen K. Christensen-Dalsgaard CONTENTS Microbial Ecology in a Larger Generating Motion with Cilia or Smooth Hispid The Energetics of Feeding The Coexistence of Filter Attaching to Particles while Orientation to INTRODUCTION All aquatic bodies in the world from the smallest forest ponds to the open ocean house complex and diverse microbial ecosystems. When it comes to things such as number of species and carbon and nutrient turnover unicellular organisms completely dominate many aquatic ecosystems and organisms on the size scale of fish are only minor players contributing little to the overall balance. In environments dominated by open water such as marine systems and those of large lakes most of the photosynthetic activity is carried out by microscopic phytoplankton cells. In many ways the microbial biota is as fascinating and complex as the apparently more flashy systems of tropical forests or coastal marine macroscopic ecosystems. Pelagic microbial biota differ from systems of larger organisms in many respects. At the microbial level aquatic systems are highly heterogeneous and microorganisms live in and are adapted to a world of alternating feasts and famines 1 . This requires an ability to survive the famines as well as an ability to move in response 271 Copyright 2006 Taylor Francis Group LLC 272 Ecology and Biomechanics to chemical gradients which the microorganisms cannot perceive over the length of their bodies in order to utilize the patchy resources. Microorganisms function at very low Reynolds numbers and thus in an environment entirely dominated by viscous forces typically microorganisms are too small to have sensory organs with which they can .