Trong lịch sử, hệ thống giám sát rừng được xây dựng để đáp ứng nhu cầu thông tin cho lập kế hoạch thu hoạch gỗ, kiểm soát côn trùng và bệnh tật, và quản lý rừng khác mối quan tâm. 1 Trong 25 năm qua, nhu cầu thông tin mới đã dẫn đến sự mới hệ thống giám sát. 2 Rừng đang ngày càng được xem như là hệ thống toàn diện có thể chỉ được giám sát thông qua một phương pháp tiếp cận tích hợp để quản lý rừng bền vững xem xét các khía cạnh xã hội và sinh thái của rừng. 3,4 Một số mới yêu cầu thông. | 30 The . Forest Health Monitoring Program K. Riitters and B. Tkacz CONTENTS History and Management of Conceptual Approaches to Operation of Development Efforts in the FHM FHM INTRODUCTION Historically forest monitoring systems were built to meet the information needs for timber harvest scheduling insect and disease control and other forest management In the past 25 years the demand for new information has led to new monitoring Forests are increasingly viewed as holistic systems that can only be monitored through an integrated approach to sustainable forest management that considers the ecological and social aspects of 4 Some of the new information requirements have been addressed through the FHM program a cooperative and integrated approach to collecting data and reporting on many aspects of forest health. Here we provide an overview of the FHM program beginning with a brief history and summary of the conceptual approaches to forest health monitoring. We then describe current operations and development efforts and give several examples of how the program is addressing forest health issues in the . HISTORY AND MANAGEMENT OF FHM Forest Health Monitoring grew from two related seeds that were sown in the 1980s in response to concern for the effects of air pollution on forest vegetation. As part of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program NAPAP the Forest Service established the National Vegetation Survey NVS to conduct field surveys of acid rain and ozone impacts on Several years later the Environmental Protection 669 2004 by CRC Press LLC 670 Environmental Monitoring Agency established the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program EMAP 6 that included the EMAP-Forests Within a few years the NVS and EMAP-Forests were combined with additional federal and .