Sự phân bố không gian theo chiều ngang của sinh vật phù du trong môi trường biển tự nhiên là cao Các dữ liệu quan sát cho thấy, trên một quy mô không gian của hàng chục cây số và nhiều hơn nữa, các sinh vật phù du loang lổ phân bố không gian chủ yếu là kiểm soát bằng cách không đồng nhất của các lĩnh vực cơ bản hydrophysical chẳng hạn như nhiệt độ, chất dinh dưỡng, , 5 Trên một quy mô nhỏ hơn 100 m, patchiness sinh vật phù du được điều khiển bởi , 7 Tuy nhiên, các. | 25 Patterns in Models of Plankton Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Environment Horst Malchow Alexander B. Medvinsky and Sergei V. Petrovskii CONTENTS The Habitat The Model of Plankton-Fish Parameter Rules of Fish School Numerical Study of Pattern Formation in a Heterogeneous No Fish No Environmental Noise Connected Habitats . 404 One Fish School No Environmental Noise Connected Habitats Biological Pattern Control . 405 Environmental Noise No Fish Connected Habitats Physical Pattern Environmental Noise No Fish Separated Habitats Geographical Pattern Control. 406 Introduction The horizontal spatial distribution of plankton in the natural marine environment is highly The data of observations show that on a spatial scale of dozens of kilometers and more the plankton patchy spatial distribution is mainly controlled by the inhomogeneity of underlying hydrophysical fields such as temperature nutrients 5 On a scale less than 100 m plankton patchiness is controlled by 7 However the features of the plankton heterogeneous spatial distribution are essentially different uncorrelated to the environment on an intermediate scale roughly from a 100 m to a dozen This distinction is usually considered as an evidence of the biology s prevailing against hydrodynamics on this 10 This problem has generated a number of hypotheses about the possible origin of the spatially heterogeneous distribution of species in nature. Several possible scenarios of pattern formation have been proposed see References 11 and 12 for a brief summary. Using reaction-diffusion equations as a mathematical tool 13-17 many authors attribute the formation of spatial patterns in natural populations to well-known general mechanisms . to .