Thiết kế cho Disassembly và phân phối của Sâu Disassembly Tháo gỡ các sản phẩm là cần thiết bất cứ khi nào nó là cơ hội để tiến hành các hoạt động phục vụ hoặc phục hồi các bộ phận và vật liệu vào cuối cuộc sống của. Thiết kế cho tháo, do đó, có giá trị chiến lược trong bối cảnh các hoạt động thiết kế theo định hướng đối với việc thực hiện môi trường của một sản phẩm. Mục tiêu của phương pháp thiết kế này là để tối ưu hóa kiến trúc của sản phẩm và đặc. | Chapter 13 Design for Disassembly and Distribution of Disassembly Depth The disassembly of products is necessary whenever it is opportune to conduct servicing operations or to recover parts and materials at end-of-life. Design for Disassembly therefore has strategic value in the context of design activities oriented toward the environmental performance of a product. The objective of this design approach is to optimize the architecture of products and the characteristics of components in relation to the following aims recover parts components and subassemblies reusable in new products recover recyclable materials access parts or components that may be subject to servicing operations repair maintenance diagnostics and limit disassembly time and costs. After an overview of the main issues related to the definition of optimal disassembly level and the design approach to ease of disassembly this chapter presents a method to analyze the distribution of the disassembly depth of the components comprising a constructional system . the difficulty of their disassembly based on the geometric and junction constraints conditioning their extraction and removal . The application of this method provides information that aids redesign actions directed at facilitating product disassembly. If suitably integrated into the design process the method proposed can be used to optimize the main design choices layout geometries junctions . This optimization consists of a redistribution of the disassembly depth guided by the component properties themselves in a way that improves the ease of disassembly of those parts of the system that may require frequent servicing interventions or that present heightened opportunities for recovery. The fundamental issues in this chapter were previously introduced in Chapter 9. Design for Disassembly and Disassembly Level A product must be disassembled whenever it is necessary to remove subassemblies or single components from that product. As .