Tối ưu Disassembly Kế hoạch Từ quan điểm bảo vệ môi trường, quy hoạch có hiệu quả các hoạt động tháo gỡ có tầm quan trọng chiến lược, vì nó có thể cải thiện đời sống hữu ích của sản phẩm (tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho các can thiệp dịch vụ) và giai đoạn cuối cùng của cuộc sống (cho việc tái chế vật liệu và tái sử dụng của các thành phần). Sau một cái nhìn tổng quan về các vấn đề chính và các phương pháp tiếp cận hiện tại để các vấn đề tháo Kế hoạch, chương. | Chapter 14 Optimal Disassembly Planning From the viewpoint of environmental protection an efficient planning of disassembly operations takes on strategic importance since it can improve both the useful life of the product facilitating service interventions and the end-of-life phase favoring the recycling of materials and the reuse of components . After an overview of the main issues and current approaches to the problem of Disassembly Planning this chapter proposes a new approach aiding the identification of optimal disassembly in relation to service operations and the recovery of resources at the end-of-life. Despite their diverse aims the two tools proposed here have in common both the modeling typology on which they operate and the logic underlying the search algorithms used. The choice of genetic algorithms is dictated by the complexity inherent in the complete mathematical solution of the problem of generating the disassembly sequences which suggests the use of a nonexhaustive approach. The results of a wide-ranging series of simulations indicate that both tools can be used not only for the characteristic purposes of disassembly planning but also for aiding design. This is particularly true for the second tool which offers a complete approach to the problem of disassembly aimed at recovery it combines evaluations of economic and environmental impacts and extends these evaluations over the product s entire life cycle. Its structure provides the designer with an autonomous capacity to decide on both the level of disassembly to be achieved and the definition of the optimal recovery plan . the best destination for the disassembled components on the basis of their properties . The fundamental issues in this chapter were previously introduced in Chapters 9 and 13. Disassembly Planning The disassembly of products is necessary every time it is appropriate to remove subsystems or single components comprising the product itself. From 375 2006 by Taylor Francis .