Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Morphogenesis of the T4 tail and tail fibers | Leiman et al. Virology Journal 2010 7 355 http content 7 1 355 VIROLOGY JOURNAL REVIEW Open Access Morphogenesis of the T4 tail and tail fibers Potr I oim3n 1PI 1t Y 1im A ric3I O2 K IokIz I On Pooii3 A icA i ir loot ilzr i4 A ocfocio A AI CX I 5 chl lii toomon I2 Petr G Leimdn rumiu Arisdkd IVIdlk J Vdn RddiJ Victor A f ostyuci lei Iko Andstdsid A Aksyuk Oliuji Kdlldllldiu Michael G Rossmdnn5 Abstract Remdrkdble progress hds been mdde during the pdst ten yedrs in eluciddting the structure of the bdcterlophdge T4 tdll by d combindtion of three-dimensiondl imdge reconstruction from electron micrographs dnd X-rdy crystdllogrd-phy of the components. Pdrtidl dnd complete structures of nine out of twenty tdil structural proteins hdve been determined by X-rdy crystdllogrdphy dnd hdve been fitted into the 3D-reconstituted structure of the extended tdil. The 3D structure of the contracted tdil wds dlso determined dnd interpreted in terms of component proteins. GiVen the pseudo-dtomic tdil structures both before dnd dfter contrdction it is now possible to understdnd the gross conformdtiondl chdnge of the bdsepldte in terms of the chdnge in the reldtiVe positions of the subunit proteins. These studies hdVe expldined how the conformdtiondl chdnge of the bdsepldte dnd contrdction of the tdil dre reldted to the tdil s host cell recognition dnd membrane penetration function. On the other hdnd the bdse-pldte dssembly process hds been recently reexdmined in detdil in d precise system inVolVing recombindnt proteins unlike the edrlier studies with phdge mutdnts . These experiments showed thdt the sequentidl dssocidtion of the subunits of the bdsepldte wedge is bdsed on the induced-fit upon dssocidtion of edch subunit. It wds dlso found thdt upon dssocidtion of gp53 gene product 53 the penultimdte subunit of the wedge six of the wedge inter-medidtes spontdneously dssocidte to form d bdsepldte-like structure in the dbsence of the centrdl hub. Structure determindtion