hoàn toàn đi cùng ít quà tặng. 2. để nói "có" hoặc là đồng ý chấp nhận lời đề nghị của một công việc tại Úc. Tôi mời cô ấy đi với chúng tôi và cô chấp nhận. (Chú ý: Không nhầm lẫn với trừ). | absolutely 2 accompany absolutely adverb 1. ffibsalu tli completely o I am absolutely sure I left the keys in my coat pocket. 2. .ffibso luitli yes of course o Did you build it yourself - Absolutely absorb ob zoib verb 1. to take in something such as a liquid o The water should be absorbed by the paper. o Salt absorbs moisture from the air. 2. to reduce a shock o The car s springs are supposed to absorb any shock from the road surface. absurd ob S3iđ adjective completely unreasonable or impossible to believe o It s absurd to expect you will win the lottery if you only buy one ticket. abuse1 o bjuis noun 1. rude words o The people being arrested shouted abuse at the police. 2. very bad treatment o the sexual abuse of children o She suffered physical abuse in prison. NOTE all senses no plural abuse2 o bjuiz verb 1. to treat someone very badly usually physically or sexually o She had been abused as a child. 2. to make the wrong use of something o He abused his position as finance director. 3. to say rude things about someone o The crowd noisily abused the group of politicians as they entered the building. academic ffiko demik adjective 1. relating to study at a university o Members of the academic staff received a letter from the principal. 2. only in theory not in practice o It is only of academic interest. noun a university teacher o All her friends are academics. accelerate ok seloreit verb to go faster o Don t accelerate when you get to traffic lights. accent ffiksont noun 1. a particular way of pronouncing something o He speaks with an American accent. 2. the stronger or louder part of a word or sentence o In the word letter the accent is on the first syllable. 3. a mark over a letter showing a particular way of pro nouncing it o Café has an accrnton the accompany o kAmp o ni verb 1. to Ip - g o with someone or s mething o She accept ok sept ves. to isin VL yi s th d l n. to play a present o We hope you will accept this a musical instrument while someone