qua denly (chính thức) 80 khủng hoảng hoặc động từ đầu í của mình 1. để làm cho vua hoặc nữ hoàng một người nào đó bằng cách đặt một vương miện trên đầu của mình, Nữ hoàng đã lên ngôi ở Westminster Abbey. | cross 80 crunch denly informal cross kros verb 1. to go across something to the other side o She just crossed the road without looking to see if there was any traffic coming. 2. to put one thing across another o He crossed his arms and looked annoyed. o She sat down and crossed her legs. o The road crosses the railway line about 10 km from here. noun a shape made where one line has another going across it especially one which forms the symbol of the Christian Church o Write your name where I have put a cross. o There is a cross on the top of the church tower. adjective angry o The teacher will be cross with you for missing school. o Don t be cross - the children were only trying to help. cross off cross out phrasal verb to draw a line through something which has been written to show that it should not be there crossing krosip noun 1. an occasion of going across to the other side of an area of water o How long is the crossing from England to Germany 2. a place where you go across safely o Cars have to take care at the railway crossing. crossword kroswsid noun a puzzle where small squares have to be filled with letters to spell words crouch krautj verb to bend down low o He crouched in the bottom of the boat. o She crouched down to talk to the child. crowd kraud noun a very large number of people together o A crowd of schoolchildren went past. o Someone in the crowd outside the cinema shouted a warning. o Let s get an early train home to avoid the crowds after work. verb to group together o All the rugby fans crowded into the pub. o The children were crowding round their teacher. crowded kraudid adjective full of a large number of people o The town gets very crowded during the holiday season. o The stands were crowded before h e crown kr ration that a king or queen or her head verb 1. to make someone king or queen by placing a crown on his or her head o The Queen was crowned in Westminster Abbey. 2. to be a very good end to a set of things that .