CCNA Exploration LAN chuyển mạch và không dây: Thiết kế mạng LAN Lab : khắc phục sự cố một mạng nhỏ line vty 1 4 mật khẩu cisco đăng nhập! kết thúc Nhiệm vụ 5: Xác định các vấn đề kết nối Bước 1: Sử dụng lệnh ping để kiểm tra kết nối mạng. Sử dụng bảng sau để kiểm tra kết nối của mỗi thiết bị mạng. | CCNA Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless LAN Design Lab Troubleshooting a Small Network line vty 1 4 password cisco login end Task 5 Identify Connectivity Problems Step 1 Use the ping command to test network connectivity. Use the following table to test the connectivity of each network device. From To IP Address Ping Results Hostl NIC IP address Hostl Routerl Fa0 0 Hostl Routerl Fa0 1 Hostl Host2 Host2 NIC IP address Host2 Router1 Fa0 1 Host2 Router1 Fa0 0 Host2 Host1 Task 6 Troubleshoot Network Connections Step 1 Begin troubleshooting at PC1. From host PC1 is it possible to ping PC2 From host PC1 is it possible to ping the router fa0 1 interface From host PC1 is it possible to ping the default gateway From host PC1 is it possible to ping itself Where is the most logical place to begin troubleshooting the PC1 connection problems Step 2 Examine the router to find possible configuration errors. Begin by viewing the summary of status information for each interface on the router. Are there any problems with the status of the interfaces All contents are Copyright 1992-r T . HSns IkAll ri trl a - . his r SLl lnformation. Page 4 of 5 CCNA Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless LAN Design Lab Troubleshooting a Small Network If there are problems with the status of the interfaces record any commands that are necessary to correct the configuration errors. Step 3 Use the necessary commands to correct the router configuration. Step 4 View a summary of the status information. If any changes were made to the configuration in the previous step view the summary of the status information for the router interfaces. Does the information in the interface status summary indicate any configuration errors on Router1 If the answer is yes troubleshoot the interface status of the interfaces. Has connectivity been restored Step 5 Verify the logical .