Ethanol hoặc "rượu" vì nó là tốt hơn được biết đến, được sử dụng trong y học như một chất khử trùng, dung môi, và chất bảo quản. Nó hiện diện trong nhiều over-the-chuẩn bị ở nồng độ khác nhau, | Ethanol Alternate names Alcohol ethyl alcohol ethyl hydrate ethyl hydroxide CAS 64-17-5 SMILES C C O HO X INTRODUCTION Ethanol or alcohol as it is better known is used medicinally as a disinfectant solvent and preservative. It is present in many over-the-counter preparations in concentrations ranging from 1 up to 67 in some formulations personal data Schardein 2006 . Alcohol is also used universally as a beverage in which it acts as a central nervous system depressant with intoxicating properties. The availability of alcohol is ubiquitous throughout virtually all populations. Annual consumption in the United States is estimated at l gal per person Pietrantoni and Knuppel 1991 . While all alcoholic beverages contain container labels stating GOVERNMENT WARNING. According to the Surgeon General women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. it was recently estimated that of pregnant women consume alcohol and consume it frequently according to a large sample of women studied Ebrahim et al. 1998 . This is despite the fact that alcohol is considered through consumption in pregnancy the most frequent cause of mental deficiency in the Western world Clarren and Smith 1978 . It should be apparent from the following discussion that alcohol ranks as the most significant developmental toxicant known. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICOLOGY Animals Laboratory animal studies clearly demonstrate potent developmental toxicity including teratogenicity by all known routes of administration. Because the oral route is that used in human consumption we will focus on oral administration in the animal studies. Dosage equivalency and procedural differences in administering alcohol in the experimental situation confound interpretation but an attempt will be made to equivocate these factors. A representative number of experimental studies in nine species of animals administered alcohol orally during gestation and the resultant .