Hiểu được trao đổi sinh lý bệnh kèm theo, và Kết quả từ, các loại khác nhau của sự mất mát da. Nhận ra tầm quan trọng của bị bệnh từ trước trong da và các mô tiếp giáp Trước khi sự mất mát da. Phân biệt giữa các tính năng đặc biệt của da bằng cổ phiếu khác nhau của cơ thể. | 24 Principles of skin cover p. E. M. Butler J. L. Atkins Objectives Understand the pathophysiological changes accompanying and resulting from different types of skin loss. Recognize the importance of pre-existing conditions in the skin and contiguous tissues before the skin loss. Differentiate between the special features of skin in different parts of the body. Identify circumstances in which primary closure is possible better deferred and contraindicated. Recognize the available methods of achieving closure and their indications. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . The skin is the largest organ of the body forming just under a sixth of the total body weight. Skin function varies in different parts of the body and this is reflected in its qualities. Although the basic structure of skin is constant thickness and elasticity pigmentation and the presence or absence of specialized skin appendages such as exocrine glands nails hair and sensory apparatus differ. Skin provides a number of diverse but vital functions to the body. Most obviously it provides a physical barrier to the outside world giving limited protection against mechanical chemical and thermal damage as well as preventing invasion by microorganisms including viruses. Its integrity is critical for homeostasis maintaining the internal milieu by providing a relatively impermeable barrier to the passage of water proteins or electrolytes in either direction. Similarly a vital role in thermoregulation is manifest by the controlled release of sweat and variability of blood flow to the body surface leading to heat loss or conservation as required. Melanin pigment within the dermis protects the skin by absorbing ultraviolet rays of long UVA and medium ƯVB wavelength. Sensory information received from sensory appendages located within the dermis is both vast and subtle while the synthesis of vitamin D and deposition of fat in the subcutaneous layer are functions of metabolic importance. The appearance and feel of our skin is