Trong chương này, chúng ta xem xét lại các nguyên tắc cơ bản của DBT, khám phá những ứng dụng của DBT để khách hàng tự tử, và sau đó kiểm tra các lý do STI cho phổ biến. Biện chứng hành vi trị liệu: Một mô tả ngắn gọn trong bài trình bày ban đầu của cô DBT, Linehan (1993a) | 280 Intervention and Treatment of Suicidality In this chapter we review the basic principles of DBT explore the application of DBT to suicidal clients and then examine the reasons for its popularity. DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOR THERAPY A BRIEF DESCRIPTION In her initial presentation of DBT Linehan 1993a focused on therapy for women with a borderline personality disorder BPD who engaged in repeated deliberate self-harm including attempted suicide . Clients with BPD show dysregulation in the areas of emotions thoughts behavior and interpersonal relationships and these are the problems that DBT seeks to remedy. Dialectical behavior therapy is therefore intimately involved with a particular psychiatric diagnosis the syndrome of BDP a linkage not present in other systems of psychotherapy. Other systems of psychotherapy may focus on particular problems. For example Gestalt therapy may be best suited for people who overemphasize rational thinking and underemphasize both emotions and input from their bodies and from the environment. However linking a system of psychotherapy to a psychiatric diagnosis raises the question of whether the system is useful for clients with any other of the many psychiatric diagnoses and furthermore what will happen if the psychiatric diagnostic system is changed Clinicians are exploring the application of DBT to other syndromes . depression and the linkage between DBT and BPD may become less pronounced in the future. Because DBT is intimately linked to BPD it is important to examine what Linehan sees as the basic characteristics of such clients. Characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline personality disorder clients are characterized by emotional dysregulation interpersonal ineffectiveness intolerance of distress and 1 A minority of psychologists and psychiatrists are highly critical of the present psychiatric diagnostic system authorized by the American Psychiatric Association. For example it is based on .