Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: All that glitters is not gold - founder effects complicate associations of flu mutations to disease severity | Lee et al. Virology Journal 2010 7 297 http content 7 1 297 VIROLOGY JOURNAL RESEARCH Open Access All that glitters is not gold - founder effects complicate associations of flu mutations to disease severity D nH oI Tf I oo 1 f cir ilio I c Conhnrc2 ToroTÌnhsỉ h lsarỉsa Ho DtỉÌ tỉ2 I in I li3 rcirmnds I Cimf 1 PronL ricanh har1 4 5 Rdpildel IC Lee Cecilid LS Sdiuos leieziinid IVIdlld de Pdivd LIU Cui renidndd L Sirotd ndllk Eiseni Idber Sebastian Mdurer-Stroh1 6 Abstract Background The recent 2009 H1N1 influenzd A pdndemic sdw d rapid spredd of the virus to essentidlly dll pdrts of the world. In the course of its evolution the virus dcquired mdny mutdtions some of which hdve been investigdted in the context of incredsed severity due to high occurrences in fdtdl cdses. For exdmple stdtements such ds of individudls who died from ldbordtory-confirmed cdses of the pdndemic H1N1 were infected with the hemdgglutinin HA Q310 H mutdnt virus. give the impression thdt HA-Q310 H would be highly ddngerous or importdnt while cdreful considerdtion of dll dvdildble ddtd suggests thdt this is unlikely to be the cdse. Results We compdre the mutdtions HA-Q310 H PB2-K340N HA-D239N dnd HA-D239G using whole genome phylogenetic trees structural modeling in their 3 D context dnd complete epidemiologicdl ddtd from sequences to clinicdl outcomes. HA-Q310 H dnd PB2-K340N dppedr ds isoldted subtrees in the phylogenetic dndlysis pointing to founder effects which is consistent with their clustered tempordl dppedrdnce ds well ds the ldck of dn immedidte structurdl bdsis thdt could expldin d chdnge of phenotypes. Considering the prevdiling virdl genomic bdckground shdred origin of sdmples dll from the city of Sdo Pdulo dnd ndrrow tempordl window dll dedth cdse sdmples within 1 month it becomes cledr thdt HA-Q310 H wds dctudlly d generdlly common mutdtion in the region dt thdt time which could reddily expldin its incredsed occurrence dmong the few dndlyzed fdtdl cdses .