Vật liệu composite là chất rắn có chứa hai hoặc nhiều vật liệu thành phần riêng biệt, giai đoạn, trên một quy mô lớn hơn nguyên tử. Thuật ngữ "hợp" thường dành cho những vật liệu trong đó giai đoạn riêng biệt được tách ra trên một quy mô lớn hơn nguyên tử, và trong đó tài sản đó là đàn hồi -môđun thay đổi đáng kể so với những người của một vật liệu đồng nhất. Theo đó, nhựa gia cố như sợi thủy tinh cũng như các vật liệu tự nhiên như xương được xem là tổng hợp vật liệu, nhưng các hợp. | 4 Composite Biomaterials Structure. 4-1 Bounds on Properties. 4-2 Anisotropy of Composites . 4-3 Particulate Composites. 4-4 Fibrous Composites . 4-6 Porous Materials. 4-9 Biocompatibility. 4-12 Roderic S. Lakes Summary. 4-13 University of Wisconsin-Madison References . 4-13 Composite materials are solids which contain two or more distinct constituent materials or phases on a scale larger than the atomic. The term composite is usually reserved for those materials in which the distinct phases are separated on a scale larger than the atomic and in which properties such as the elastic modulus are significantly altered in comparison with those of a homogeneous material. Accordingly reinforced plastics such as fiberglass as well as natural materials such as bone are viewed as composite materials but alloys such as brass are not. A foam is a composite in which one phase is empty space. Natural biological materials tend to be composites. Natural composites include bone wood dentin cartilage and skin. Natural foams include lung cancellous bone and wood. Natural composites often exhibit hierarchical structures in which particulate porous and fibrous structural features are seen on different micro-scales Katz 1980 Lakes 1993 . In this segment composite materialfundamentals and applications in biomaterials Park and Lakes 1988 are explored. Composite materials offer a variety of advantages in comparison with homogeneous materials. These include the ability for the scientist or engineer to exercise considerable control over material properties. There is the potential for stiff strong lightweight materials as well as for highly resilient and compliant materials. In biomaterials it is important that each constituent of the composite be biocompatible. Moreover the interface between constituents should not be degraded by the body environment. Some applications of composites in biomaterial applications are 1 dental filling composites 2 reinforced .