Năm trăm năm trước, khi John Cabot khám phá bờ biển Đại Tây Dương ngày nay Canada, ông hạ một giỏ xuống biển và kéo nó ra đầy cá. Ngày nay, có hầu như không đủ cá tuyết trái ân sủng bàn ăn ở Newfoundland, tỉnh cực đông của Canada. Tám năm đã trôi qua kể từ khi lệnh cấm đáy Đại Tây Dương đã được tuyên bố vào năm 1992 và vẫn còn quá ít cá tuyết tại nhiều khu vực cho phép khai thác thương mại | Chapter 13 There must be a catch participatory GIS in a Newfoundland fishing community Paul Macnab While the land has been seen by cultural geographers and others as layered with proprietary rights use rights and cultural symbols the water has been seen as empty. Jackson 1995 That s a good idea to get the fishing grounds down on the charts. You know its like I ve got a map of the grounds in my head. Newfoundland fisherman 1995 INTRODUCTION Five hundred years ago when John Cabot explored the coast of present day Atlantic Canada he lowered a basket into the sea and pulled it out full of fish. Today there are hardly enough codfish left to grace the dinner table in Newfoundland Canada s easternmost province. Eight years have passed since the Atlantic Groundfish Moratorium was declared in 1992 and there are still too few cod in much of the region to permit commercial extraction. Beyond the environmental degradation that this stock collapse represents the social impact has been devastating for fisheries-dependent communities particularly those reliant on the traditional small-boat inshore harvest. Confronted by the ominous spectre of rotting skiffs closing hospitals and massive out migration many groups are working diligently to conserve remaining fisheries such as lobster and the traditional way of life that now depends on them. Before the crisis the knowledge and concerns of fishers and their families were often disregarded - indeed marginalized - by biologists and ocean-related agencies. Now communities expect to participate actively in every facet of fisheries science and management especially where spatial and temporal limitations to harvesting may be implemented. This chapter describes a GIS project that evolved to link harvesters and government organizations in central Bonavista Bay a historically strong fishing area on the northeast coast of Newfoundland. I discuss a collaborative project 2002 Taylor Francis 174 P. Macnab intended to capture local fisheries