Lập kế hoạch có sự tham gia là cơ sở để tìm ra giải pháp thích hợp và hiệu quả để thiết kế cộng đồng và các vấn đề quy hoạch. Những lợi ích của sự tham gia của cộng đồng rộng lớn dựa trên lập kế hoạch và thiết kế rộng rãi tài liệu, bao gồm nâng cao năng lực của công dân để nuôi dưỡng một ý thức mạnh mẽ hơn cam kết, tăng sự hài lòng người sử dụng, tạo ra những kỳ vọng thực tế của kết quả, và xây dựng lòng tin (Altschuler năm 1970;. | Chapter 24 GIS and the artist shaping the image of a neighbourhood through participatory environmental design Kheir Al-Kodmany INTRODUCTION Participatory planning is fundamental to finding appropriate and effective solutions to community design and planning problems. The benefits of broad-based community involvement in planning and design are widely documented they include enhancing the capacity of citizens to cultivate a stronger sense of commitment increasing user satisfaction creating realistic expectations of outcomes and building trust Altschuler 1970 McClure et al. 1997 . However these benefits do not come easily a truly participatory planning process requires a serious commitment of time energy and resources on the part of both the technical expert and the community expert as well as a mutual respect for the assets that the others bring. Planners and designers contribute technical skills and knowledge citizens provide community history local knowledge cultural values and understanding. These types of expertise complement each other and result in richer more comprehensive planning and design solutions. The first significant task of the planner is to create a framework and a language for the planning process that motivates the public to participate and allows them to comfortably share their knowledge ideas and vision for the community. Lynn McDowell 1987 argues that the public needs a language that can give its creativity a focus and help individuals turn their intuition and knowledge into a workable idea . That language must also be able to bridge the gap between the vision of the community resident and the technical thinking and jargon of the architects p. 20 . Stanley King 1989 contends that visualization provides just this - it is the only common language to which all participants technical and non-technical can relate. Visualization provides a focus for a community s discussion of design ideas it guides community members through the design process it