Chương này đề cập đến chất độc của thuốc nhuộm dệt. Mục có một cái nhìn sơ lược về các khía cạnh lịch sử, đặc biệt xung quanh vào giữa thế kỷ thứ hai mươi khi một liên kết giữa thuốc nhuộm (và trung gian của họ) và ung thư bàng quang ở các công nhân dệt may trở nên rõ ràng. Trong Phần , những ảnh hưởng cấp tính (ngắn hạn) độc tính của thuốc nhuộm dệt được thảo luận. Các vấn đề ngắn hạn là kích thích da và da nhạy cảm, gây ra chủ yếu do. | 3 Toxicology of textile dyes P. GREGORY Avecia UK Introduction This chapter addresses the toxicology of textile dyes. Section takes a brief look at the historical aspects particularly around the mid-twentieth century when a link between dyes and their intermediates and bladder cancer in textile workers became apparent. In Section the acute short-term toxicological effects of textile dyes are discussed. The short-term problems are skin irritation and skin sensitisation caused primarily by reactive dyes for cotton and viscose and disperse dyes for polyester polyamide and acetate rayon. The main part of the chapter Section is concerned with the chronic long-term effects of textile dyes. Carcinogenicity cancer-causing is the main chronic effect and this is covered in detail. The known data is reviewed and structure-carcinogenicity relationships for textile dyes particularly the most important class azo dyes are discussed. Other dye classes such as anthraquinone dyes and cationic basic dyes as well as the building blocks of dyes the chemical intermediates are also covered. The mode of action of carcinogenic dyes and their metabolites are elucidated and ways to avoid and eliminate carcinogenicity in textile dyes are presented. The section ends with a look at metal complex dyes and the toxicological implications of metals. Section considers future trends for textile dyes in relation to toxicology. This includes the design of safer dyes by utilising the extensive and everincreasing knowledge of the relationships between the structure of dyes and toxicity cleaner dyes and by having more consideration regarding the formation of toxic products during the degradation of waste dyes in effluent treatment plants. The role of natural dyes is also discussed. Finally Section concludes the chapter by presenting sources of further information and advice regarding the toxicology of textile dyes. 44 2007 Woodhead Publishing Limited Toxicology of textile dyes 45 .