Dãy núi Pamir ở Tajikistan là đôi khi được gọi là một nút núi, bởi vì các dãy núi từ các hướng khác nhau đáp ứng ở đây. Các vùng khác nhau của Pamir có sự khác nhau đáng kể. Pamir phía đông là một sa mạc khô cằn, khô, cao nguyên, trong khi các khu vực khác của Pamir chia cắt mạnh mẽ và triển lãm lượng mưa cao hơn. Các lớp phủ thực vật trong Pamir phía đông là rất thấp, trong Pamir phía tây, phía bắc Pamir, và Pamir-Alai, thảm thực vật đa dạng hơn và dày. | 16 Vegetation of the Pamir Tajikistan Land Use and Desertification Problems1 Siegmar W. Breckle and Walter Wucherer INTRODUCTION The Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan are sometimes called a mountain knot because mountain chains from various directions meet here. The various regions of the Pamir differ considerably. The eastern Pamir is a dry arid desert plateau whereas other areas of the Pamir are strongly dissected and exhibit higher rainfalls. The vegetation cover in the east Pamir is very low in the west Pamir north Pamir and Pamir-Alai vegetation is more diverse and dense. Desertification mainly by deforestation overgrazing and intensive gathering is the main environmental impact in the Pamirs. However the various vegetation types react rather differently on these impact factors and also lead to rather different destructive processes in the various parts of the Pamirs. Loss of vegetation cover is acute in the east Pamir leading to strong wind erosion in the west and northern Pamir. In the Alai changes in vegetation have been observed leading to major loss of biodiversity. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION AND CLIMATE The Pamirs have a central position in the central Asian mountain systems. They are located in the southeast corner of Tajikistan with Afghanistan in the south Chinese Xinxiang in the east and the Kirgiz Tien Shan in the north. The complex mountain system of the Pamirs is characterized by comparable geographic and climatic data shown in Table . The western Pamir chains stretch mainly east-west so the rivers between them flow towards the west into the upper Amu-Darya locally called Ab-e-Panj . The northern Pamir Pamir-Alai are strongly glaciated. The eastern Pamir is a high plateau partly with endorrheic basins and hence saline lakes Shorkul and Karakul . It resembles Tibetan conditions. It is a desert with annual precipitation below 100 mm mainly in summer. The other regions are more humid and have a better water economy because the precipitation is .