Mạng lưới phân tích là một loại đặc biệt của phân tích dòng liên quan đến một tập hợp các đường kết nối với nhau. Các mạng điển hình bao gồm các chủ đề chẳng hạn như đường giao thông, suối, những con đường mòn đi bộ đường dài, đường ống dẫn. Phân tích mạng có thể được sử dụng để trả lời ít nhất bốn loại câu hỏi: 1) Địa chỉ mã hoá địa lý. Địa chỉ mã hoá địa lý là quá trình lấy địa chỉ và ước tính vị trí của họ trong hệ thống phối hợp. | Chapter 5 Network Analysis INTRODUCTION Network analysis is a special type of line analysis involving a set of interconnected lines. Typical networks include themes such as roads streams hiking trails and pipelines. Network Analysis can be used to answer at least four types of questions 1 Address Geocoding. Address geocoding is the process of taking addresses and estimating their locations in your GIS coordinate system. This is done by relating an address database to your GIS theme. Example applications include displaying a house address on a GIS street view for delivery of some product generating driving directions to a given address or displaying customer locations in a GIS view from a list of customer addresses. 2 Optimal Routing optimal routing is the process of delineating the best route to get from one location to one or more locations. The best route could be the shortest the quickest or the most esthetic depending on the GIS user s preference for defining best. Example applications include determining the quickest way to get from a fire station to a fire location determining the shortest route to divert water lines given a closed junction or determining the most economic delivery route to several stops. 3 Finding Closest Facilities. This is a special type of optimal routing problem where you are trying to find the closest points to a given location. Typically the points are called facilities and the given location is called an event location. Example applications include determining which two fire stations would have the best response time to a reported fire event determining the best ambulance station to respond to an accident report event or finding ten houses for sale that are closest to a day care center. 4 Resource Allocation. Resource allocation is the allocation of resources from supply centers to customers on a network. Example applications include a sand and gravel center supplying road sanding after a snowstorm a school supplying seats to students