Cuộc điều tra nội bộ Liên quan đến việc đánh giá riêng biệt Hai nhiệm vụ đó công ty quản lý môi trường KHCN trực cụ thể là, cung cấp hỗ trợ cho: 1. Các trụ sở công ty môi trường "hoạt động, và 2. Của công ty điều hành nhà máy và nhu cầu hỗ trợ môi trường của con người. Trong khi tương quan với nhau, Hai nhiệm vụ riêng biệt và khác biệt có những thách thức. Trụ sở doanh nghiệp chức năng hỗ trợ nhân viên là một hoạt động bản chất Trong khi đó, hỗ. | Chapter 5 Internal Survey The internal survey involves evaluating the two distinct missions that most company environmental managements face namely providing support for 1. The corporate headquarters environmental activities and 2. The company s plant and operating environmental support needs. While interrelated the two missions have distinct and separate challenges. Corporate headquarters support activity is a staff function by nature whereas supporting plant operational needs if it is to be successful must involve some level of field operational buy-in to achieve effective integration. Corporate Headquarters The corporate headquarters mission involves coordination of the company s strategic environmental decisions. Activities such as tracking environmental legislation evaluating potential economic impacts and coordination with lobbying efforts naturally fall within this realm. Likewise the establishment of corporate environmental goals and coordinating and maintaining the corporation s key permitting and regulatory compliance framework falls within the realm of a corporate environmental staff mission. However the hard realities of implementation at the plant operations level bring up a series of questions and differences in environmental management philosophies. How much control does the corporate environmental management need over plant environmental support personnel As shown in Exhibit 15 in some instances tight operational control over plant environmental activities may be warranted when serious environmental issues are a necessary part of operational activity or environmental restraints have significant impact on plant production capabilities. In other cases a corporate environmental staff may function in a bully pulpit fashion setting the framework for compliance . SOPs permits or providing some level of internal audit but leaving day-to-day implementation responsibilities to the operational management. There is no one correct approach. Selection of an .