Các tiêu chí chính cho các loại thực hiện chức năng là: • • • • • Tổ chức và biên chế nội bộ hệ thống hoạt động hội nhập Đánh giá rủi ro hệ thống Chương Trình Giảm thiểu chất thải Trọng tâm của phần này đánh giá là để trả lời câu hỏi: "Liệu nó có dịch vào một nền văn hóa" Tổ chức và Nhân sự quản lý doanh nghiệp trong khoảng thời gian hợp lý xem xét có nên tổ chức quản lý môi trường và các vấn đề nhân sự thông qua một phương pháp cấu. | Chapter 8 Functional Implementation The key criteria for the functional implementation category are Organization and staffing Internal integration Operational systems Risk assessment systems Waste minimization programs The focus of this part of the assessment is to answer the question Does it translate into a culture Organization and Staffing Corporate management should at reasonable intervals examine environmental management organizational and staffing issues via a structured approach and take action to correct and update them as needed. Exhibit 22 provides a framework for analysis and implementation of organizational and staffing changes. Organization and staffing should address the development of appropriate structural positioning and channels of communication for the environmental functions and the qualitative and quantitative adequacy of environmental staff resources at all levels and in all areas of the enterprise. It addresses whether the environmental staff and contractual resources are sufficient to meet milestones and goals. A deficiency here may or may not be reflected in a loss in end product performance however there may be concern that perceived strain on environmental resources may bode potential slippage in the future. In addition there may be an issue that the environmental mission and requirements have increased substantially over the last few years and that holding at the established level is or may not be sufficient. This element also includes evaluation of environmentally aware line staff. For starters there must be a current and accurate organization chart that clearly identifies the non-environmental line staff and their concomitant responsibilities environmentally or otherwise. This element also touches on human resources decisions regarding the reporting function of environmental personnel and their line of 51 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Implementation Implementation Institution- Analysis Macro-Design