Dịch từ: Tiếng Anh 5 Nguyên tắc cơ bản của quang phổ 5,1 SỚM LỊCH SỬ BẢN CHẤT CỦA ÁNH SÁNG Đối với Millenia, mọi người tò mò về có Been loại ánh sáng, và đặc biệt của màu sắc. Từ thời gian của người Hy Lạp cổ đại đến thế kỷ XVII, các học giả và những người khác màu Người ta cho rằng đó bao gồm một hỗn hợp của ánh sáng trắng và bóng tối và thể được thay đổi bằng cách thay đổi hỗn hợp. Quan điểm này đã được thay đổi triệt bởi công việc của Isaac Newton (1642-1727) | Fundamentals of Spectroscopy EARLY HISTORY OF THE NATURE OF LIGHT For millennia people have been curious about the nature of light and particularly of color. From the time of the ancient Greeks to the seventeenth century scholars and others believed that colors consisted of a mixture of white light and darkness and could be changed by changing the mixture. This view was radically changed by the work of Isaac Newton 1642-1727 . At the age of 24 he began his research on light. In a well-known experiment a ray of sunlight was passed through a hole into a darkened room and onto a screen. A prism placed in the beam of the light dispersed the light into a spectrum of colors in the order red yellow green blue and violet. Newton concluded that white light is a confused aggregate of rays imbued with all sort of colors. The function of the prism was merely to separate the light into its component colors. No more discoveries occurred until 1800 when British astronomer William Herschel discovered the infrared portion of the solar spectrum. Soon after the ultraviolet part of the spectrum was identified. In 1802 scientists reported dark lines in the sun s spectrum but could not provide a satisfactory explanation. In 1817 Joseph Fraunhofer an optician and instrument maker noted the same lines. With improved equipment he proceeded to map the dark lines of the solar spectrum and calculated the corresponding wavelengths. Still known as Fraunhofer lines this phenomenon is described as dark lines in the solar spectrum that result from the absorption by elements in the solar chromosphere of some of the wavelengths of the visible radiation emitted by the hot interior of the sun A Concise Dictionary of Chemistry 1990 p. 127 . During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Fraunhofer and others looked at spectra emitted by flames and sparks and compared them to the spectra emitted by the sun. During the first half of the nineteenth century a good deal of experimentation .