Phổ hấp thụ nguyên tử ngọn lửa là một phương pháp nhanh chóng và chính xác của phân tích. Trong kỹ thuật quang phổ hấp thụ nguyên tử (xem Phần ), các mẫu IS bay hơi và phun trong một ngọn lửa hightemperature. Các nguyên tử của nguyên tố chất phân tích hấp thụ ánh sáng có bước sóng từ một đèn cathode cụ thể rỗng (HCL), Truyền Thông qua lửa này. Số tiền của năng lượng hấp thụ của nguyên tử luận án đo IS và IS tỷ lệ thuận với số nguyên tử trong đường dẫn ánh sáng | 8 Direct Aspiration or Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry FAAS PRINCIPLE Flame atomic absorption spectrometry is a rapid and precise method of analysis. In this atomic absorption spectrometry technique see Section the sample is vaporized and atomized in a high-temperature flame. Atoms of the analyte element absorb light of a specific wavelength from a hollow cathode lamp HCL passing through the flame. The amount of energy absorbed by these atoms is measured and is proportional to the number of atoms in the light path. A light beam is directed through the flame into a monochromator and onto a detector that measures the amount of light absorbed by the atomized element in the flame. The amount of energy at the characteristic wavelength absorbed in the flame is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample over a limited concentration range. Table shows the FAAS concentration ranges. Determinations of analyte concentrations in a milligram-per-liter concentration region are routine for most elements. However trace metal analyses at microgram-per-liter and nanogram-per-liter levels are also needed. Because the thermal energy from the flame is responsible for producing the absorbing species flame temperature is an important parameter governing the flame process. The two premixed flames used almost exclusively for atomic absorption are air-acetylene 2125-2400 C and nitrous oxide-acetylene 2000-2800 C . While the air-acetylene flame is satisfactory for most elements determined by atomic absorption the hotter nitrous oxide-acetylene flame is required for many refractory-forming elements. The nitrous oxide-acetylene flame is also effective in the control of some types of interferences. DIRECT AIR-ACETYLENE FLAME METHOD General Discussion Because the thermal energy from the flame is responsible for producing the absorbing species flame temperature is an important parameter governing the flame process. Flames used in the AAS technique