Byrnes (1998) tiên tiến, ví dụ, vai trò của vỏ cingulate phía trước là một màn hình xung đột và lỗi hệ thống nhận dạng sẽ trở thành trung tâm quan tâm (Bush, Lưu, Posner, 2000; Holroyd & Coles, năm 2002; Lưu et al, 2000, 2003; van Veen & Carter, 2002). Khi thanh thiếu niên tìm thấy chính mình trong những tình huống nguy hiểm, có lẽ thông qua kế hoạch trước không đầy đủ | Culture Into Biology The Making of the Adolescent Mind 73 advanced by Byrnes 1998 for example the role of the anterior cingulate cortex as a conflict monitor and error recognition system becomes of central interest Bush Luu Posner 2000 Holroyd Coles 2002 Luu et al. 2000 2003 van Veen Carter 2002 . When adolescents find themselves in risky situations perhaps through inadequate advance planning the importance of knowing that things may be going wrong becomes a critical checking mechanism. Similarly the interplay of the DLPFC which may invoke more analytic processing and the orbitofrontal cortex which may invoke more gist-like emotionally valent heuristic processing in making decisions where the identification of the relevant information is not self-evident raises important considerations for the specificity of dual process models Klaczynski 2001a 2001b Kokis et al. 2002 . In a more speculative vein it may be that significant and specific brain changes are also central to the construction of self during adolescence. Recent theoretical work linking particular neural circuitry to the functioning of the dialogical self Lewis 2002 and to awareness of other minds Frith 2002 suggests the potential richness of a biological grounding for previously hard-to-specify but crucial developments in higher order thinking and reflection. In seeking common ground or consilience across cognitive-behavioral and neuro-developmental approaches two cautions already noted can be usefully recalled here Cognition and behavior are not reducible to their neural substrate and the rapid accumulation of evidence arising from new neuroimaging techniques means that the portrait of the brain both functionally and structurally is likely to undergo many rapid iterations and this is even more true of developmental neuroimaging for which the evidence is even more recent and thus provisional. On the other hand the convergences across several lines of both cognitive and neu-rodevelopmental research on .