Giám sát và tiếp xúc với dữ liệu rất quan trọng để xác định chính xác tác động của chất gây ô nhiễm môi trường và thuốc trừ sâu trên sức khỏe con người [1]. Điều này là đặc biệt đúng đối với trẻ sơ sinh và trẻ nhỏ, cũng như người già và Những người bị tổn thương hệ thống miễn dịch | 4 Immunoassays and Biosensors Jeanette M. Van Emon Jane C. Chuang Kilian Dill and Guohua Xiong CONTENTS General Overview for Method ELISA Methods for Pesticides. 100 Data Biosensors . 108 General Descriptions. 108 Microarrays . 111 Biosensors Methods for Pesticides . 112 Potentiometric Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensor and Amperometric Detection. 112 Piezoelectric Measurements. 113 Surface Plasmon Resonance. 113 Conductive Polymers. 114 Current Developments . 115 Future Trends. 115 References . 117 INTRODUCTION Monitoring and exposure data are critical to accurately determine the impact of pesticides and environmental contaminants on human health 1 . This is especially true for infants and young children as well as the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Uncertainties in the assessment of human exposures to exogenous compounds may be reduced using data obtained from dietary and environmental Notice The . Environmental Protection Agency EPA through its Office of Research and Development funded and collaborated in the research described here under Contracts 68-D99-011 and EP-D04-068 to Battelle. It has been subjected to agency review and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. 2007 by Taylor Francis Group LLC. monitoring measurement studies. Faster and more cost-effective analytical methods can facilitate the collection of data concerning particular target analytes that may impact human health and the environment. Immunoassays and biosensors can provide fast reliable and cost-effective monitoring and measurement methods 2 . In 1993 the United States National Academy of Sciences NAS issued a major report on pesticides in the diet of children. The report Pesticides in the Diets of .