Triển vọng từ các bãi biển ở Sandy Hook, New Jersey Một tỷ lệ đáng kể trong sự nghiệp của tôi trong sinh học biển WS gian ở Sandy Hook Marine Phòng thí nghiệm, một cơ sở liên bang Nằm trên bờ biển New Jersey đã Sandspit nhọn trực tiếp tại New York đường chân trời, Thông qua các đám mây Hầu như hàng ngày lờ mờ nhìn thấy được các chất ô nhiễm không khí ở đó. Các phòng thí nghiệm và các căn cứ của nó Were và được cổ phần của bờ biển quốc gia. Người nộp. | 4 Microbial Pollution of Recreational Waters A Perspective from the Beach at Sandy Hook New Jersey A significant part of my career in marine biology was spent at the Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory a federal facility located on the New Jersey coast on a sandspit pointed directly at the New York skyline dimly visible through the almost daily haze of air pollutants there. The laboratory and its grounds were and are parts of a national seashore. People pay fees to use the park s badly despoiled beaches desperate for some contact with even this sad example of what could be a superb public resource. The primary objective of the federal EPA and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection was then and still is regulation such as ensuring that recreational waters meet arbitrary standards if humans are to be allowed entry. Fecal contamination was and is a persistent problem in any recreational waters near large human populations and the New York New Jersey beaches are excellent examples of an almost overwhelming public health and regulatory problem. Despite efforts of local state and federal regulatory agencies things happen a sewage treatment plant malfunctions and raw sewage sometimes mixed with medical wastes is dumped into shallow waters a cruise ship illegally disposes of wastes near land a retention dike of a waste collection pond of a pig production facility collapses and pollutes an adjacent estuary. These horrific events can combine with the usual continuing pressures on coastal environments to make inshore waters potentially dangerous temporary habitats for people. Microbial problems increase in proportion to increasing density of human populations in coastal zones even with sincere efforts to alleviate them. Some relief can come from constant monitoring restrictive regulations and strict enforcement but recreational use of coastal waters will probably always be accompanied by a certain degree of disease risk despite the sensibility of an admonition that I