Quan điểm về ô nhiễm ven biển Vary với lưu ý, các mục tiêu trung bình báo, đọc sách, xem truyền hình-công dân ĐÃ Mối quan tâm về chủ đề đó có thể được Tổng hợp vào ba loại chính: 1. Sự sợ hãi của các sản phẩm tiêu thụ thủy sản bị ô nhiễm mà có thể Hãy 2. Ghê tởm với cuộc gặp gỡ tại các khu vực bị suy thoái môi trường ven biển 3. Khó khăn về cơ sở thực phẩm của thế giới - khoảng Mất toàn cầu trong Sự phong phú của tài nguyên. | 14 Effects of Coastal Pollution on the Quality of Human Life INTRODUCTION Perspectives on coastal pollution vary with the observer but the average newspaper-reading television-watching citizen has concerns about the subject that can be aggregated into three general categories 1. Fear of consuming seafood products that may be contaminated 2. Disgust with environmental encounters in degraded coastal areas 3. Unease about the world s food base about global losses in abundance of many living marine resources I have a true story the next vignette about a pollution-associated incident that illustrates one person s awakening to the realities of degraded environments. A Small Incident on the Wharf in East Boston The winter flounder technically labeled Pleuronectes americanus lives and thrives in the coastal waters of the northeastern states where it is a favorite catch of hook and line fishermen and is also taken by inshore trawlers sailing from such historic ports as Gloucester Rockland New Bedford and even Boston. On a cloudy morning in early June Jim Driscoll fishing off pier 21 in East Boston brought up a specimen that ruined his day. It was clearly a winter flounder but most of the fins had been eroded away and near the tail were several large bloody sores. Jim was tempted at first to throw the repulsive thing back but the thought occurred to him that something must be very wrong down there to do such damage to any fish. He knew that there was a government statistical agent stationed down the street at the Custom House so he wrapped the animal in a newspaper and delivered it asking for some kind of explanation but not really expecting much. Jim wasn t aware of it of course but the statistical agent was part of a network of people with similar jobs deployed in all the major northeastern fishing ports to collect data on catches and environmental conditions and to transmit the information back to a research center in Woods Hole. One of the 255 2006 by Taylor Francis .