Việc tích hợp thông tin thời gian vào hệ thống thông tin địa lý (GIS) đã-là đối tượng của nghiên cứu sâu rộng cho nhiều năm (Bergougnoux, 2000, Egenhofer và Golledge, 1998). Đây là nỗ lực nghiên cứu mạnh bắt nguồn từ mâu thuẫn vốn có giữa mô hình dữ liệu GIS (có thể là raster hoặc vector) và đại diện máy tính của các quá trình năng động. Do bản đồ Roots của họ, các mô hình dữ liệu trong GIS có Được thiết kế để chụp một ảnh chụp tĩnh của thực tế (Albrecht, sắp xuất bản). . | Chapter 6 Comparing Map Calculus and Map Algebra in Dynamic GIS Mordechai Muki Haklay Department of Geomatic Engineering University College London England Introduction The integration of temporal information into Geographical Information Systems GIS has been the subject of extensive research for many years Bergougnoux 2000 Egenhofer and Golledge 1998 . This intense research effort stems from the inherent contradiction between GIS data models be it raster or vector and computer representations of dynamic processes. Due to their cartographic roots data models in GIS have been designed to capture a static snapshot of reality Albrecht forthcoming . Thus typical representations in GIS where each layer is presented as a single file such as those described in Tomlin 1990 are geared towards describing the state of the study area at a single point in time. Over the years representations that deal with temporal changes have been developed especially within the context of spatial databases where the changes can be handled at the feature level instead of a monolithic handling of a whole layer Worboys and Duckham 2004 . Representations have been developed for dynamic phenomena where the challenges stem from the rate of updates and the need to visualise changes rapidly. Indeed many solutions have been devised to deal with the dynamic aspect of GIS. In the vector model for example dynamic segmentation has been developed to allow the representation of changing events along static vector features. This representation is especially common in transport applications of GIS Longley et al. 2001 . In the raster model dynamic modelling capabilities have been developed and implemented within packages such as PCRaster Van Deursen 1995 or IDRISI Park and Wagner 1997 . Despite these developments the modelling of dynamic entities and processes in a GIS is still an active research issue Couclelis 2001 Laurini 2001 . The reason for this continued interest as Laurini 2001 noted is that there