Trao đổi quan trọng đã xảy ra Trong vài năm qua ở châu Âu và Pháp luật liên quan đến đánh giá rủi ro môi trường của các sản phẩm bảo vệ thực vật. Đối với ong mật, các bài kiểm tra phụ thuộc vào các yêu cầu đặc điểm nội tại của sản phẩm và phương pháp của nó sử dụng. Bất cứ khi nào các con ong mật ong có khả năng là sản phẩm xúc với hóa chất bảo vệ thực vật, Trong hoặc Sau khi điều trị, xét nghiệm độc tính là yêu cầu hàng đầu. | 3 Risk assessment of plant protection products on honey bees Regulatory aspects S. Cluzeau Summary Significant changes have occurred over the past few years in European and French legislation with regard to environmental risk assessment of plant protection products. Regarding honey bees the tests requested depend on the intrinsic characteristics of the product and its method of use. Whenever the honey bee is likely to be exposed to chemical plant protection products during or after treatment laboratory toxicity tests are requested leading to the calculation of the hazard quotient. This value determines the subsequent tests to be carried out cage tests tunnel tests or field tests according to the test guidelines harmonized at the European level. In addition specific procedures currently available in the United States are presented. Introduction The end of the Second World War was a turning point in the use of plant protection products in agriculture with the development of synthetic chemicals especially insecticides organochlorides and organophosphates. At this time the need to produce and therefore to increase yields to ensure national self-sufficiency was the main priority of a rapidly changing agriculture. The chemical industry also expanding rapidly developed thousands of new products providing easy and effective solutions against various crop enemies 1 . In this context the side-effects of the plant protection treatments such as the risk of resistance phenomena or the impact on beneficial organisms although inevitable were not taken into account or were ignored 2 . In France in 1943 a law on the registration of plant protection products used in agriculture was adopted. The tests required at this time for plant protection products to become commercialized were limited. They mainly dealt with the biological efficacy of the product and acute toxicity tests on rats. No test was requested on the side-effects of the products on nontargeted insects such as pollinator