bên hẹp, khi nó xảy ra nó thường là một phần phí (coloboma của mắt, khiếm khuyết tim, hẹp của choanae, chậm phát triển của tăng trưởng và / hoặc phát triển, bộ phận sinh dục và / hoặc | Chapter 33 Management of Choanal Atresia Patrick Froehlich and Sonia Ayari-Khalfallah 33 Core Messages Bilateral choanal atresia constitutes a neonatal emergency. Bilateral choanal atresia is much rarer than unilateral atresia when it occurs it is often part of the CHARGE C okihmrc of ilia eye lieaat defaces ctar-sia of the dioanae ratac-laUon cf crowthandfor development ghninal arnl ot urmatv atdiocniahties and ere hbnormalitier and daafnessl tyndromr. The featuaes of CIrIAhGE aod otheapadymohonmai tion syaidronira thoaM ba -ooked aefcsrd to aaedittrtriantand Cenefcists aip ai i aif tne mans agenicrU. choanal otrfsra io Owice fs aommon fh forif a a m boys. Niaety pnam idco-es 10 aaa entirely membranous. Coì I. tomontaphyshottld au pudoamyd ffsur-gery iscoaffmplated. Moaf oases can bc dealo widiusmg an ead ac0 yf-proacO. Bilatera aaos shoadd ba oprraie- oa ihtth f ahr 1st weekofoife. Uailatrro1 iOics may ba Iipirata-I Itiao y ye iatk age howeysc- lame authors recommead delayiag sur-gera undl ohcohild as foy d yaata o ai Cuttiag aad diamood are yea-forate thy ghnyldtashl fate boafyyilian the procedure wi-h a o-ow from tha na-fpflatoah. Lasera may aha jday a part hl sorgasy .rf ttolh ociat c may bf uaaa withthaamb aadrehrosind resaeaosis. The use ofposho piara-Ivo sOetOf ma smotc m for neo-aates. ho oldea oad-arcd h dat allsufdft nt rsa sfaort. Thareisaraca gn itborestenosisrara aotyossrfoobttye aeed fcor aab3hdatafioas piot bhI-g. Contents IntroduKtion . 291 Anatomicnlanpnhysiological Background. 291 Clinical Presentation . 292 ManagomenO iscy ybroety . 292 IntraaoltolAoaaoaoh . 292 TranspblatmoWpproaah . 293 IndicationfondTimiagofSyfghry . 293 e Contraindications . 293 Risks and Side Effects . 293 Introduction choanah atresia a mhformation in which the nasal fos-ai descrioan aa earrfos I 75Õ by RaorlereEA variaty of aori rcctivr yuiyaa a aoadins tronfmeot auy traaiiseptvO transjiahtina fnd .