Có hai kích thước chính của rủi ro - xác suất của một sự kiện xảy ra, và tầm quan trọng của hậu quả. Tuy nhiên, như được thảo luận trước đó, phân tích các rủi ro cũng bao gồm các bản án về mức độ nghiêm trọng của rủi ro như là một phần đánh giá. Chương này đi qua các vấn đề cơ bản của phân tích rủi ro, rủi ro được phân tích, và làm thế nào các nhà khoa học và nhà quản lý đưa ra quyết định làm thế nào để quản lý chúng. Thông qua Tổ chức Y. | 2 Defining Risk Assessment and How It Is Used for Environmental Protection and Its Potential Role for Managing Nanotechnology Risks Jo Anne Shatkin CONTENTS Context for Technological Why Risk Assessment for Nanotechnology .26 Adaptive Risk Assessment for Origins and Development of Risk Assessment and the Societal Dimensions of Frameworks Addressing the Social Dimensions of How Risk Assessment Is Used in Environmental Decision Making .35 The Four Steps of Risk Issues in Applying the Four Steps of Risk Assessment to Hazard Exposure Dose-Response Risk We should be guided by the probability and extent of harm not by its mere possibility. Aaron Wildavsky There are two main dimensions of risk the probability of an event occurring and the magnitude of the consequences. However as discussed earlier the analysis of risk also includes judgments about the severity of risk as 21 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 22 Nanotechnology Health and Environmental Risks part of the assessment. This chapter walks through the basics of risk analysis how risks are analyzed and how scientists and regulators make decisions about how to manage them. Adopting the World Health Organization WHO definition the risk analysis process consists of three components risk assessment risk management and risk communication WHO 2004 . Risk assessment is a key feature of risk analysis. Several alternative frameworks are introduced for assessing and managing risks from substances and technologies. One of the key features of risk assessment is that while there is always potential for hazards to occur there is a difference between hazard and risk and that difference is exposure. If there is no exposure to a hazard then there is no risk from it. The level of risk associated with a hazard is dependent on the .