Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học quốc tế đề tài : Profiling alumni of a Brazilian public dental school | Nunes et al. Human Resources for Health 2010 8 20 http content 8 1 20 ffWJ HUMAN RESOURCES h Ể L J FOR HEALTH RESEARCH Open Access Profiling alumni of a Brazilian public dental school I -X z I -X c Ml Z zxz h Crt- I c I k I - h I . D c -X I-X -ZX r h l A -X z I -X r rs I I zx I z zx h í I -X I I z-l I zx D I zx I zx r h Iviaria F Nunes trica I Silva Laura B Santos Maria G Queiroz Claudio R Leles Abstract Background Follow-up studies of former students are an efficient way to organize the entire process of professional training and curriculum evaluation. The aim of this study was to identify professional profile subgroups based on job-related variables in a sample of former students of a Brazilian public dental school. Methods A web-based password-protected questionnaire was sent to 633 registered dentists who graduated from the Federal University of Goias between 1988 and 2007. Job-related information was retrieved from 14 closed questions on subjects such as gender occupational routine training profits income status and self-perception of professional career generating an automatic database for analysis. The two-step cluster method was used for dividing dentists into groups on the basis of minimal within-group and maximal between-group variation using job-related variables to represent attributes upon which the clustering was based. Results There were 322 respondents predominantly female and the mean age was 34 years SD . The automatic selection of an optimal number of clusters included 289 cases in 3 natural clusters. Clusters 1 2 and 3 included and of the sample respectively. Interpretation of within-group rank of variable importance for cluster segmentation resulted in the following characterization ofclusters Cluster 1 -specialist dentists with higher profits and positive views of the profession Cluster 2 - general dental practitioners in small cities Cluster 3 - underpaid and less motivated