a. annoying b. arguing c. discussing d. shouting b 22. A good clock always keeps . . time. a. certain b. true c. accurate d. serious c 23. I’m not well with the new director. a. getting on b. going on c. keeping on d. taking on a 24. She has a lot of money in her new job. a. gained b. earned c. found d. done b 25. He finished . the book and watched TV. a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads c 26. Would you my opening the windows now? a. want b | a. annoying b. arguing c. discussing d. shouting b 22. A good clock always . a. certain b. true c. accurate d. serious c 23. I m with the new director. a. getting on b. going on c. keeping on d. taking on a 24. She lot of money in her new job. a. gained b. earned c. found d. done b 25. He book and watched TV. a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads c 26. Would opening the windows now a. want b. worry c. concern d. mind d 27. What are you working so hard for Because motorbike so I m saving as much as I can. a. will buy b. buy c. have bought d. am going to buy d 28. We difficulty without too much effort. a. get over b. get away c. get off d. get through a 29. People with shouldn t go sun bathing for a long period. a. sense b. sensitive c. sensible d. sensibly b 30. Person who go without sleep for than three days have great. thinking seeing and hearing clearly. a. difficult b. difficulty c. easy d. ease b 31. He prefers being on his a big crowd of people. a. than to be b. rather than be c. to being d. or be c 32. We don t know the game. a. facts b. customs c. rules d. laws c 33. Yoko borrowed 20 000 bank. a. of b. by c. at d. from d 34. We had to use our neighbour s telephone because ours was. a. out of work b. out of order c. off duty d. off work b 35. The driver any inconveniences. a. to cause b. of having cause c. for causing d. that we cause c 36. It boring speech that I felt asleep. a. such b. so c. very d. too a 37. I ve got a very a journalist. a. occupation b. occupy c. occupant d. occupied a 38. The man woman is talking is funny. a. who b. whom c. whose d. which b 39. Some medicine the doctor gave me will cure my sickness. a. make worse b. make better c. make sick d. make lighter b 40. If you had come to the party . a. would meet b. had met c. would have .