Chúng ta đang sống trên một hành tinh đã được tạo ra bởi các lực lượng ban đầu của "Big Bang" và tiếp tục bị ảnh hưởng bởi cả hai sự kiện tự nhiên và hoạt động của con người. toàn cầu môi trường xung quanh chúng ta có chứa một lượng nhỏ phóng xạ (không ổn định) các yếu tố hoặc các hạt nhân phóng xạ (đồng vị phóng xạ) có nguồn gốc từ nguyên thủy, trung học, cosmogenic, và con người nguồn. Hạt nhân phóng xạ trong không khí, đất, nước, và đá tạo nên geosphere và khí quyển của Trái đất có. | 2 Radionuclide Sources Jeffrey S. Gaffney and Nancy A. Marley CONTENTS Primordial and Secondary Cosmogenic Anthropogenic Sources .31 Concluding INTRODUCTION We live on a planet that was created by the initial forces of the big bang and continues to be affected by both natural events and human activities. The global environment that surrounds us contains small amounts of radioactive unstable elements or radionuclides radioisotopes that are derived from primordial secondary cosmogenic and anthropogenic sources. Radionuclides in the air soil water and rocks that make up the Earth s geosphere and atmosphere can be transferred into the biosphere by many organisms and bioaccumulated in the food chain. Indeed the well-known uptake by living organisms of measurable amounts of naturally produced radionuclides such as 14C is used as a means of differentiating living from fossil carbon. Most of the radioactivity to which we are exposed daily comes from background natural sources commonly occurring in our surrounding environment and the buildings in which we live. Chapter 1 defines radionuclides and discusses the most common types of ionizing radiation namely a particles energetic helium nuclei p particles energetic electrons and Y radiation high-frequency highly energetic electromagnetic radiation . This chapter deals with the natural and anthropogenic sources of radionuclides found in the environment. Addressing all of the more than 1 500 known radionuclides is beyond the scope of this chapter. We will focus on isotopic species that are important contributors to overall radionuclide abundances in various media whose distributions in air water and soil are the topic of later chapters. More detailed information can be found in more extensive books on the sources of radionuclides both natural and man-made 1 . 23 2007 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 24 Radionuclide .