Giới thiệu Town của Oliver mời công ty kiểm toán đủ điều kiện để trình đề xuất để thực hiện kiểm toán tài chính hàng năm cho thị xã. Kiểm toán phải được quy hoạch và thực hiện theo tiêu chuẩn kiểm toán Canada Nói chung được chấp nhận và các quy định của Đạo luật Chính quyền địa phương và Điều lệ cộng đồng. | REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP - Financial Audit Services ISSUE DATE September 12th 2011 CLOSING DATE AND TIME 4 00 PM Local Time Wednesday October 12th 2011 This is trial version TOWN OF OLIVER REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES Introduction The Town of Oliver invites qualified accounting firms to submit proposals to perform annual financial audits for the Town. Audits must be planned and executed in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and the provisions of the Local Government Act and Community Charter. Audits will result in an opinion to the Municipal Council as to the fairness of the annual consolidated financial statements and related schedules. The Auditor should have experience and expertise in performing municipal audits be free of any obligations or interests that may conflict or affect their ability to perform and act as the Auditor of the Town and have the capacity to provide this service in a timely manner. Definitions Throughout this request for Proposal the following definitions apply Auditor means the successful Proponent to this Request for Proposal Audit services means the financial audit of and resulting opinion on the annual consolidated financial statements of the Town of Oliver Proponent means an accounting firm that submits a proposal in response to this Request for Proposal Proposal means a submission in response to this Request for Proposal PSAB means the Public Sector Accounting Board of Canada RFP means Request for Proposal Services means the works requested to be performed as per this RFP Town means the Town of Oliver TERM AND GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT Term of Engagement It is the intention of the Town of Oliver to enter into a five 5 year agreement with the successful firm to provide external audit services beginning with the annual audit for the fiscal year ending December 31 2011 to the fiscal year ending December 31 2015 inclusive. Request for Proposal - .