Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Ý KIẾN kiểm toán kiểm toán của Cục và các đơn vị kiểm soát báo cáo tài chính cho năm tài chính kết thúc ngày 30 Tháng Sáu năm 2008 kết quả trong báo cáo kiểm toán viên độc lập không đủ tiêu chuẩn. | DepartmentofEducationandTraining AUDIT OPINION The audits of the Department and its controlled entities financial reports for the year ended 30 June 2008 resulted in unqualified Independent Auditor s Reports. Unless otherwise stated the following commentary relates to the parent entity. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The New South Wales State Plan provides the overall direction for further improvement and is a major influence on the Department s priorities for 2008. Priorities include increasing levels of attainment for all students including increasing the number of students exceeding the national benchmarks in literacy and numeracy more students completing Year 12 or recognised vocational training closing the performance gap between Aboriginal students and all students at schools and at the New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission TAFE NSW . Literacy and Numeracy The State Plan commits the Government to raising students literacy and numeracy levels and improving the outcomes they achieve at school. Achievements in reading and numeracy underpin the ability of all students to learn effectively in most school subjects. The Department has a continued focus on improving the literacy and numeracy of New South Wales public school students and has developed an extensive range of programs for this purpose. The Audit Office conducted an examination of the Department s processes to improve literacy and numeracy. We recommended a series of measures to assist the Department sharpen its focus on those individual students at risk more effectively target its limited resources and support the needs of individuals and more rigorously review its programs and the performance of low achieving schools. For further information regarding the report refer to publications reports performance performance . Year 12 Retention Rates In 2007 the Department put in place a range of strategies designed to encourage more students to complete Year 12. The