Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo KIỂM TOÁN Ý KIẾN kiểm toán của Cục và các đơn vị kiểm soát báo cáo tài chính cho năm tài chính kết thúc ngày 30 Tháng 6 2009 kết quả trong báo cáo kiểm toán viên độc lập không đủ tiêu chuẩn | This is trial version DepartmentofEducationandTraining AUDIT OPINION The audits of the Department and its controlled entities financial reports for the year ended 30 June 2009 resulted in unqualified Independent Auditor s Reports. Unless otherwise stated the following commentary relates to the parent entity. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION The New South Wales State Plan provides the overall direction for improvements in performance and significantly influenced the Department s priorities for 2009. Its priorities included increasing levels of attainment for all students including increasing the percentage of students exceeding the national benchmarks in reading and numeracy more students completing Year 12 or recognised vocational training closing the performance gap between Aboriginal students and all students at schools and at the New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission TAFE NSW increasing the proportion of population aged 15-64 participating in vocational education and training. The Department measures whether it is achieving its priority outcomes by using performance indicators such as literacy and numeracy year 12 retention rates achievement gap for Aboriginal students government school enrolments. Literacy and Numeracy Prior to 2008 the various states and territories had different ways of assessing student progress in literacy and numeracy. All Australian schools now use the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy NAPLAN to assess the literacy and numeracy learning of students at Years 3 5 7 and 9. Students participate in NAPLAN tests in May of each year and 2009 is the second year of testing. Auditor-General s Re T ersi n. 7 Department of Education and Training_ The table below details the 2009 NAPLAN summary results of the percentage of students at or above the national minimum standard Years NSW National Trend 2009 2008 2009 .