Trong chương này, chúng tôi sẽ xem xét bốn người trong số các chất ô nhiễm không khí chủ yếu, bao gồm cả sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitơ đioxit (NO2), ozon (O3), và carbon monoxide (CO). Tầm quan trọng của những chất gây ô nhiễm không khí khí được nhấn mạnh bởi thực tế rằng họ là bốn trong số sáu "Tiêu chuẩn không khí các chất ô nhiễm quy định của Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ. Hai chất gây ô nhiễm không khí khác là hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi (VOC) và chì (Pb). VOC. | CHAPTER 8 Air Pollution Inorganic Gases INTRODUCTION In this chapter we will consider four of the major gaseous air pollutants including sulfur dioxide SO2 nitrogen dioxide NO2 ozone O3 and carbon monoxide CO . The importance of these gaseous air pollutants is emphasized by the fact that they are four of the six Criteria Air Pollutants regulated by the . Environmental Protection Agency. The other two air pollutants are volatile organic compounds VOCs and lead Pb . VOCs will be presented in Chapter 9 and Pb is included in Chapter 12 under Environmental Metals. SULFUR DIOXIDE Sulfur dioxide SO2 and sulfur trioxide SO3 are the two sulfur oxides SOx that are important air pollutants. In this chapter we will focus on SO2 because it is a far more important form of air pollutant than SO3. Indeed on the basis of amounts emitted into the atmosphere SO2 is considered the most dangerous of all gaseous pollutants. Sources of SO2 Atmospheric SO2 arises from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Sulfur compounds are emitted naturally through volcanic actions sea salt over the oceans and decomposition of organic matter mostly as hydrogen sulfide H2S . Most of anthropogenic emissions of sulfur S to the atmosphere about 95 are in the form of SO2. Main human activities leading to SO2 emission include combustion of coal and petroleum products and petroleum refining and nonferrous smelting. In the . 89 2001 by CRC Press LLC 90 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY a majority of SO2 emission is from industry and stationary sources accounting for about 95 of the total emission. The S content of coal ranges from to 7 and it is in both organic and inorganic forms whereas in oil the content ranges from to and the S is in organic form. The most important S-containing compound in coal is iron disulfide or pyrite FeS2 . When heated at high temperatures pyrite is oxidized through the reactions shown below FeS2 3O2 FeSO4 SO2 4FeS2 11O2 2Fe2O3 8SO2 In the smelting .