Một công nhân trong các dịch vụ hàng hóa và vật liệu sẽ có thể đi làm việc mỗi ngày và mong đợi để trở về nhà không bị thương và có sức khỏe tốt. Không có lý do hợp lý rằng một nhân viên nên là một phần của cuộc tàn sát nơi làm việc. Công nhân không cần phải trở thành một trong những số liệu thống kê nơi làm việc hàng năm. Người lao động an toàn lao động, vệ sinh lao động và các quy tắc và thủ tục làm việc an toàn và theo họ. | 5 OSHA and Its Regulations Hazards abound from the handling of goods and materials and workers should be protected. An example is that of a worker moving heavy furniture that could result in injury. A worker in the goods and materials services should be able to go to work each day and expect to return home uninjured and in good health. There is no logical reason that a worker should be part of workplace carnage. Workers do not have to become one of the yearly workplace statistics. Workers who know the occupational safety and health rules and safe work procedures and follow them are less likely to become one of the 5700 occupational trauma deaths one of the 90 000 occupational illness deaths or even one of the million nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. The essence of workplace safety and health should not completely depend on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA and its regulations since they are not the driving forces behind workplace safety and health. OSHA has limited resources for inspection and limited inspectors. Enforcement is usually based on serious complaints catastrophic events and workplace deaths. An employer with a good safety and health program and safety record has a better opportunity to get a contract order tied to his her workplace safety and health record and reap the benefits of low insurance premiums for workers compensation and liability. Usually safety and health is linked to the bottom line which is seldom perceived as humanitarian. 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC. This chapter tries to answer many of the questions regarding OSHA compliance workplace safety and health and coordination between workers and employers to have a safe and healthy workplace. FEDERAL LAWS Congress establishes federal laws legislation or acts and the president signs them into law. These laws often require that regulations standards be developed by the federal agencies that are responsible for the intent of the law. OSHAct The