An toàn lao động và Cục Quản lý Y tế (OSHA) yêu cầu người sử dụng lao động để bảo vệ nhân viên của họ từ những mối nguy hiểm tại nơi làm việc như máy móc, quy trình công việc, và các chất độc hại có thể gây thương tích hoặc bệnh tật. Nó được biết đến từ các hoạt động trong quá khứ và tình huống mà một cái gì đó phải được thực hiện để giảm thiểu hoặc loại bỏ các mối nguy hiểm từ nơi làm việc. Hành động thường tạo ra mối nguy hiểm khác,. | 11 Controls and PPE Safety toed shoes safety eyewear head protection ear protection and hand protection are all forms of personal protective equipment. HAZARD PREVENTION AND CONTROLS The Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA require employers to protect their employees from workplace hazards such as machines work procedures and hazardous substances that can cause injury or illnesses. It is known from past practices and situations that something must be done to mitigate or remove hazards from the workplace. Actions taken often create other hazards which had not existed before attempting to address the existing hazard. Many companies have suggestion programs where workers receive rewards for suggestions that are implemented. It is no surprise that the person who often has the best ideas is the one who suffers most from that particular hazard. It is a sound management process to involve those who are impacted most in decision-making processes. 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC. Several methods have been used over the years to control hazards and these can be segregated into five categories. The preferred methods are engineering controls awareness devices predetermined safe work practices and administrative controls. When these controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection an alternative or supplementary method of protection is to provide workers with personal protective equipment PPE and the know-how to use it properly. ENGINEERING CONTROLS When a hazard is identified in the workplace every effort should be made to eliminate it so that employees are not harmed. Elimination may be accomplished by designing or redesigning a piece of equipment or process. This could be the installation of a guard on a piece of machinery which prevents workers from contacting the hazard. The hazard can be engineered out of the operation. Another way to reduce or control the hazard is to isolate the process such as in the manufacture of vinyl .