Lạm phát và sửa chữa lốp xe có thể gây chết người. (Ảnh An toàn bom mìn và Quản lý Y tế). Các lĩnh vực bán lẻ, bán buôn, và kho bãi là những lĩnh vực có thể xử lý, lưu trữ, và phân tán số lượng lớn nhất của hàng hóa và vật liệu tại Hoa Kỳ. Kể từ khi tất cả các mối nguy hiểm tiềm năng phải đối mặt những ba lĩnh vực không thể giải quyết một cách chi tiết trong một cuốn sách nó có thể được sử dụng an toàn công nghiệp cho các dịch. | 23 Other Hazards Tire inflation and repair can be deadly. Courtesy of Mine Safety and Health Administration. The retail wholesale and warehousing sectors are the sectors that handle store and disperse the largest quantities of goods and materials in the United States. Since all the potential hazards faced by these three sectors cannot be addressed in detail in one book it may be necessary to use Industrial Safety and Health for Infrastructure Services Industrial Safety and Health for Administrative Services and Industrial Safety and Health for People-Oriented Services to address other hazards. This chapter provides summaries regarding some of the other common hazards that confront workers in these sectors. Some of these hazards are also covered in some detail in the other three books mentioned above. Some of the hazards that were not covered extensively in this book are as follows Compressed air Lockout tagout Dockboards Electrical Fueling Powered tools Scaffolds Tire inflation Workplace violence 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC. COMPRESSORS AND COMPRESSED AIR 29 CFR A compressor supplies compressed air. Great care must be taken to ensure such types of equipment are operating safely. Safety devices for a compressed air system should be checked frequently. Compressors should be equipped with pressure relief valves and pressure gauges. The air intakes must be installed and equipped so as to ensure that only clean uncontaminated air enters the compressor. This is facilitated by the installation of air filters on the compressor intake. Before any repair work is done on the pressure system of a compressor the pressure is to be bled off and the system locked out. All compressors must be operated and lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer s recommendations. Signs are to be posted to warn of the automatic starting feature of compressors. The belt drive system is to be totally enclosed to provide protection from any contact. No worker should direct .