Giải thích quá trình phân tích rủi ro. Giải thích rủi ro là gì. So sánh và đối cách tiếp cận định lượng và định tính để phân tích rủi ro. Xác định và thảo luận về phương pháp tiếp cận liên quan đến sử dụng các dữ liệu lịch sử trong việc xác định nguy cơ. 5. Giải thích khái niệm của sự không chắc chắn và làm thế nào nó tác động phân tích rủi ro. 6. Thảo luận về các khái niệm về rủi ro chấp nhận được và làm thế nào chúng tôi xác định nó | Chapter 5 Risk Analysis Assessing the Risks of Natural Hazards Objectives 1. Explain the process of risk analysis. 2. Explain what is risk. 3. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative approaches to risk analysis. 4. Identify and discuss approaches related to using historical data in determining risk. 5. Explain the concept of uncertainty and how it impacts risk analysis. 6. Discuss the concept of acceptable risk and how we determine it. 7. Explain how we describe the likelihood and consequences of risks. Key Terms Risk Quantitative analyses and qualitative analyses Acceptable risk Voluntary risks Involuntary risks Flood flow frequency 107 2009 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 108 Natural Hazards Analysis Reducing the Impact of Disasters Flood discharge Uncertainty Ambiguity Introduction Once we have characterized the nature and extent of hazards by preparing a community profile and a hazards profile for the hazards in the community we do an analysis of the risks present by identifying vulnerability indicators and the hazards probability. By doing so we explore the likely impact of the hazards on the community. Risk analysis is the determination of likelihood and possible consequences from a disaster. This analysis must be accomplished in a systematic basis so as to provide useful and accurate information for decision makers through risk management or community hazard mitigation initiatives. Our goal is to provide the right information at the right level of complexity and detail to decision makers at the right time. The Process of Risk Analysis Risk analysis therefore takes information from the hazards identification and examines not only the probability of the event but also explores the social-cultural economic and environmental adverse impacts from a disaster. Risk analysis goes further to then compare various hazard risks to determine if various risks could have a similar likelihood of occurrence and outcomes. The results of the risk analysis can be used in