Độc tính trên thận là một rối loạn sức khoẻ thận do tác động trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp của các chất hóa học. Một trong những vấn đề về thận phổ biến nhất, thận đã được bắt nguồn từ tiếp xúc với ma túy và các chất hóa học độc hại. Rối loạn này cuối cùng gây thiệt hại thận và làm rối loạn các chức năng cơ thể và loại bỏ nước tiểu và chất thải. Báo cáo đã chỉ ra rằng trong thời gian dài tiếp xúc với kim loại gây độc thần kinh giữa các công. | 10 Chemical Substances and Nephrotoxicity INTRODUCTION Nephrotoxicity is a renal health disorder due to direct or indirect effects of chemical substances. One of the most common kidney problems nephrotoxicity has been traced to exposures to drugs and toxic chemical substances. The disorder eventually causes kidney damage and disturbs the body functions and elimination of urine and wastes. Reports have indicated that prolonged periods of exposure to metals causes neurotoxicity among workers. Also cadmium other environmental heavy metals and the organometallic compounds used as therapeutic agents anticancer drugs cyclosporin analgesic abuse and antibiotics have been implicated in kidney disorder diseases. The kidney is the filtration mechanism for the blood. As is well known the kidney has to perform three major functions to maintain normal health. It helps in removing wastes prevents leakage of essential elements and chemical compounds from the body and provides homeostasis. However prolonged exposure to chemical substances causes adverse health effects and damage of the renal system in animals and humans a health disorder termed nephrotoxicity. This disorder has been found among workers and members of the public exposed to toxic chemicals and because of improper medication. The chemical substances that cause damage to the renal system are called nephrotoxins. Reports have indicated that the nephrotoxic effect of chemical substances including drugs has become more profound in workers and patients who have a history of renal impairment. Also some drugs are known to affect renal function in more than one way. Chemical substances such as toxic metals organic compounds and pesticides have caused global concern as nephrotoxi-cants. Prolonged occupational exposure to metals like cadmium lead and mercury has also caused renal CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES AND RENAL INJURY It is well established that toxic nephropathies are not restricted to a single type of .